Orlando Conference Program Announced

Migrate Your Communications and

Collaboration Network to the Next Level

Discover the latest enterprise communications and collaboration systems,

tools and services at Enterprise Connect, the leading event providing

comprehensive analysis and in-depth sessions across the technologies

which matter most to your organization. Registration is open and you

can't afford to miss this year's event.

The Enterprise Connect program covers the full range of platforms,

services and applications that comprise modern communications and

collaboration systems. The preliminary program is now available on-line,

with more to come, and will focus on these key technology tracks:

Cloud Communications

Customer Experience/Contact Center


SIP Trunking

Unified Communications


Converged Networks

and more

The Expo Hall is the ONLY place you'll find ALL of the leading

equipment, software and service providers in one location. Led by

Diamond sponsors Avaya, BlackBerry, Cisco, Crestron Electronics, Dolby,

Microsoft, NEC and Siemens Enterprise Communications, you'll also find

AirWatch, AT&T, Comcast, Interactive Intelligence, Mitel, NetScout

Systems, Sonus, Verizon, Vidyo and many others.

Enterprise Connect 2014 is going to be an exciting and informative

experience, and we look forward to seeing you there.